• Banh mi from http://roux44.com

    Easy Peasy Banh Mi

    It’s prime football season, and you know what that means. Snacks! And lots of them. But as much as we’d love to polish off a whole bag of Juanitas and a giant bowl of…

  • Brûlée grapefruit from http://roux44.com

    Brûleéd Spiced Grapefruits with Homemade Crème Fraîche

    Grapefruits aren’t on my radar most of the year. It’s like I don’t even see them. But then January comes around, bringing with it pyramids of the golden orbs at…

  • pinwheel cookies http://roux44.com

    Crispy Moroccan Date Swirl Cookies

    When I was a baking-obsessed teen, the holiday cookie recipes I yearned to make were the ones that promised thrills and surprises. I had little interest in the old classics from…

  • Chanterelle mushroom toasts from http://roux44.com

    Wild About Chanterelles

    One of the best things about Portland is its close proximity to nature. We can go from a forest hike to a fancy dinner in a matter of minutes. But when your brisk nature walk…

    crepes from http://roux44.com

    Curds and Whey

    When you tell people you make your own cheese, their eyes invariably widen with awe. “What?? You make your own cheese?!” And for a brief moment…